Tuesday, 10 November 2009

The Day Fraz Forgot

As an insomniac, I'm used to missing things. What I mean is, I don't get to sleep very well, so when I'm finally in the land of nod, its difficult to wake me up, so at weekends and holidays, I generally miss the mornings activities. This is a story about me missing something big. But sleeping through it, wasn't the explanation... Go!

October 31st, all hallows' eve. The night was dark, and the sound of children getting sugar highs drifted across the ordinarily quiet cul-de-sac. I had arrived guestless and late, too a Halloween tradition of mine; a party at my father's. The regulars were there, mainly mothers and grandmothers of my little sister's friends, who all greeted me warmly like a stranger; with forced smiles on their faces and doubt in their eyes, whilst others, who were new to the seasons festivities look helplessly and vacantly on clutching their babies to their chest, wondering why, oh why had they bought such a ridiculous outfit for their young ones to wear (namely daft pumpkin romper-suits or sailor costumes).
With those who recognised me in my awesome suit, the usual party chatter began; clichéd comments on the food, fleeting remarks on the music and quick clarifications on just who they were, as if that would prolong the dying conversation. But soon, as many of the old folks nodded of in their chairs, the few other males which hadn't killed themselves yet found me. We all sat around the TV, unashamedly flicking through the sci-fi channels looking for the bionic woman re-runs, when the conversation turned to their recent adventures. At this point I zoned out and started to gorge my self on the sweets left unwittingly behind by the small children, deciding this topic had nothing to do with me.
Or so I thought. Paul, a chemist, poked my arm and nodded to the expectant faces and repeated, 'how did you find yesterday, huh? Hope we didn't bore you too much!' At this, the rest of the men laughed raucously, and I laughed along bemusedly, wondering why they thought I had hung out with them yesterday. Changing the subject, I turned to my dad, 'tomorrow's Saturday right? What we getting up too?' at this, my dad gave me a quizzical look.
'today's Saturday, son.' he said slowly, 'tomorrow's Sunday.'
'no, no, no,' I laughed, ' if yesterday was Thursday, then today in Friday.'
turns out, it wasn't. I had forgotten Friday. I had lost a whole day, and I didn't drink a drop! I explained this to my dad, how I didn't have a clue what had happened, so he filled me in...

We had risen early, and met at Paul's. His house is big, I've been there a lot with my dad, with oak timber framing and rustic slate flooring, it was really nice. But we didn't stay long, instead we all got into his people carrier, to Costco! Yeah, Costco. We had pooled together to buy £40 worth of sweets and £40 worth of fireworks. Yeah, fireworks, from Costco. One person isn't even allowed to buy that many, we had to split it up between us. So then we went back too my dad's house, and watched a whole load of Warehouse 13, which took into the evening. Firework time.
Now, something i've got to tell you about Paul, is the reason he got into chemistry in the first place was to blow stuff up. So we left him to light the fireworks, to make him happy, and shut up. Mis. Take. Now i'm not too sure on the details, but then end result was impromptu bonfire in my dad's back garden. Paul had set the shed on ablaze. Now I didn't believe this fully until my dad pointed out of the window, were, clearly visible, stood a quivering husk of what used to be a shed, all blackened and charred.
Too this day, I still don't remember that day. And my dad still hasn't got a new shed, but still; how legendary was that!?

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